Online Versus Hybrid Instruction in Undergraduate Cell biology: A Comparative Study on Student Achievement
Weinert, Jeffrey Stephen
Issue Date
Achievement , biology , community college , Hybrid , Online
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AbstractThere is a consistent concern for students' success in undergraduate introductory cell biology as this foundational course may impact their persistence towards earning a degree in the health sciences. Institutions need to consider the delivery method of instruction and the potential impacts on student success and enrollment. For five years, the same instructor taught an undergraduate cellular and molecular biology course using two different teaching methods; hybrid in-person and asynchronous online. Both groups have the same learning outcomes and received the same summative assessments. This exploration provides detailed procedures of the two instructional design models and compares overall semester summative and formative student achievement using a one-way multivariate analysis of variance. Quantitative results indicated that online and hybrid courses slightly differ in summative academic achievement (favoring hybrid) and significantly in formative achievement (favoring online). An end-of-semester survey was also investigated for thematic elements. Survey analysis revealed an overall positive response to both formats and insight into activities and resources that students found crucial to their learning. Implications of this study provide recommendations and elements for course design and policy. Keywords: community college, biology, online, hybrid, assessment, student achievement