CCEER-06-03: Seismic Design and Retrofit of Highway Bridges
Saiidi, Mehdi S.
Ghasemi, Hamid
Tiras, Azmi
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Contacts between the earthquake engineering communities in the United States and Turkey have intensified since the 1999 Kocaeli and Duzce earthquakes that led to damage and failure of numerous structures in Turkey. Many bridges were affected by these earthquakes. The US engineers and researchers have been working with their Turkish counterparts to maximize the lessons learned from the earthquakes because of the mutual benefit. In September 2004, a joint US-Turkey workshop was held in Turkey with the following objectives: 1. Provide a forum to enhance communication between engineers and scientists involved in earthquake engineering of bridges in the United States and Turkey 2. Exchange information about recent lessons learned in each country on seismic retrofit of bridges and health monitoring techniques to aid in post-earthquake investigations 3. Develop areas of common needs and interest in bridge seismic retrofit and health monitoring 4. Develop a list of priorities for future joint US-Turkey research in seismic retrofit and post-disaster evaluation methods for bridges 5. Identify sources of funding for joint research in both countries. The topics included in previous US-Turkey workshops were similar to those of this workshop. A major addition was post-disaster evaluation of bridges. The workshop was held over a three-day period followed by two days of field trips to bridge sites at the Bolu Viaduct and the Bosphorus Bridge. All presentations were given in a plenary session over the first two and half days. Group meetings were held in the afternoon of the third day, during which participants were divided into three focal groups on design, retrofit, and post-hazard evaluation. A general session was held at the conclusion of the group meetings and summaries of discussions and recommendations were presented by different groups to all workshop participants. The workshop was held at the meeting facilities of the Turkish General Directorate of Highways in Ankara. This report includes introductory statements by speakers in the opening session, technical articles, and a summary of workshop recommendations. The workshop organizers are indebted to the US National Science Foundation, Turkish General Directorate of Highways, and the US Federal Highway Administration for their support of this workshop. The support and encouragement of Dr. Steve McCabe and Perumalsamy Balaguru of US NSF program directors and Mr. Hicabi Ece, Director of the Turkish General Directorate of Highways are greatly appreciated by the workshop organizers.
Report No. CCEER-06-03
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