CCEER-17-05: Seismic Performance of Precast Full-Depth Decks in Accelerated Bridge Construction

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Shrestha, Grishma
Itani, Ahmad M.
Saiidi, Mehdi S.

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Cast-in-place (CIP) concrete construction is time intensive and require many on-site construction procedures that creates negative impacts on traffic flow, work zone safety, and the environment. Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) offers a viable alternative to CIP construction since significant construction time can be reduced by using prefabricated decks for new construction or replacement projects. They can be quickly assembled and reduce onsite construction time, minimizing traffic disruption, reducing environmental impact, improving worker and motorist safety, improving constructability, and increasing the quality of final product. Prefabricated deck panels provide the opportunity to replace decks during the life span of the bridge while keeping part of the bridge in service. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate different grout types for dowel connection between prefabricated precast bridge decks that are compositely connected to precast longitudinal girders and to determine the effect of earthquake forces on these connections. The study consisted of experimental work on headed anchor and analytical investigation using the results from the experimental study. The research included construction and testing of shear and pullout test specimens to evaluate the shear and pullout behavior of the selected anchor. Various parameters such as group effect of anchor, type of grout and head area of the anchors were also studied. Experimental results indicated that type of grout and head area of the anchors had an insignificant effect on the shear and pullout capacity of the anchor. It was concluded that the current provisions in AASHTO LRFD Specifications for CIP decks are applicable to the seismic analysis of precast deck panels. The results from the experiments were used to perform nonlinear analyses of a two-span bridge. A computational model for headed anchor was recommended and a numerical study was performed to investigate the seismic response of decks with shear pockets placed at 4 ft and 6 ft spacing. The nonlinear response history analysis was performed for eight different ground motion corresponding to 100% design level and 150% maximum considered earthquake (MCE) level. Insignificant difference was observed in the seismic behavior due to the increase in pocket spacing from 4 ft to 6 ft. It was also found that the forces in the headed anchors for both spacing were below ultimate strength of the connectors.


Report No. CCEER-17-05




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