Behavior Sharing Social Network Application: Cimee
Chuang, Luyueh
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Avatar , Behavior sharing , Map , Positioning , Sensor , Social network application
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The motivation of this thesis was to utilize current advancements in software andhardware technologies and create a new iPhone application. We propose a location-sharingsocial network mobile application called Cimee, which combines the advantages of highcoverage, high speed Internet, diverse sensors on the smartphone, and a very large number ofsmartphone users. Research has been done about how mobile applications utilize sensors andwe found out that there are several related apps that provide real-time information of the user’slocation on the map.Based on the features of existing location-sharing social applications, Cimee uses sensordata and map information to analyze or infer user behavior. Then, the avatars of users show onthe map the inferred behavior and, of course, users are able to see their friends’ avatars on themap as well. Cimee is a new social app that brings more interaction for iPhone users.As a result, the combination of real-time location, inference of possible behavior, andanthropomorphic avatars represented on map seems to be able to provide a promising future forsuch social network mobile applications. From 15 volunteers who participated in our user study,we have acquired overall positive feedbacks, based on the results of quantitative and qualitativeanalyses. For example, we had 13 of 15 (86.7%) participants expressing their willingness todownload Cimee from the App Store when it will be distributed and, again, 13 of 15 participantsagreed that the avatars used for describing different behaviors increased their interest in usingCimee more often.This thesis provides an overview of related technologies and a background of mobileapplications, a survey of related work, and the software specification and design of the proposedCimee app. It also amply illustrates how Cimee works through a set of snapshots thatdemonstrate the application’s features and capabilities. The results of the user study conductedare also presented and discussed in detail. In addition, possible directions of future work areoutlined.