Exploring the COVID-19 cases around the World
Giri, Alina
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The goal of the research project is threefold: i) finding the model with least error for the estimation of the skewness, scale, inflection, and carrying capacity parameter. We will first try to fit Skew Log Logistic Model to the cumulative cases data for the define first wave period for each country without the use of any program and then we will use the R-program the curve function to fit the calculated parameters and find the Minimum Square Errors (MSE). Secondly, we will use the combination of the R's minpack.lm package and the nls.LM function, which implemented non-linear least squares regression by way of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to estimate the parameters and we will find its respective MSE. ii) identifying the skewness parameters with least MSE for the first wave of COVID for all the countries as well as the intervention taken by each country to reduce the further spread of the disease. And find the relation, if any, between the skewness parameter and the intervention taken. iii) identifying the relation, if any, between the skewness parameter and the socioeconomic factors for all the countries.