EyeSightVR: An Immersive and Automated Tool for Comprehensive Assessment of Visual Function
Zaman, Nasif
Issue Date
Disease Simulation , Virtual Reality , Vision Science , Visual Function Assessment
Alternative Title
The complexity of the human visual system enables the rich sensory immersion we have with our surroundings. When neuro-ophthalmic conditions ail this arrangement, it also affects the function of the eye. For early screening and effective progression monitoring of sight-threatening diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and Space-flight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS), the visual function needs to be checked regularly. However, current methods to measure functional health of the ocular system have prominent limitations which include non- conforming lab environments, lack of trained personnel, limited data collection, and uninterpretable perceptual assessments. Furthermore, there is a growing need for a tele-ophthalmic device that would help eye doctors monitor patients remotely. This work surveys current visual function assessment tools that are portable, immersive, and affordable for use in remote, austere, or impoverished areas. We implemented a binocular virtual assessment system that tests different variations of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and metamorphopsia in a standardized setting. Additionally, we propose and implement a novel perceptual modeling scheme that uses the Amsler grid to localize, parameterize and suppress the perceived distortion within a wide field of view. We conclude by discussing the crucial limitations of current virtual reality technology that should be addressed in future studies.
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