Design and modeling of a cryogenic system for circuit QED experiments
Kanagin, Andrew N.
Issue Date
Cryogenic , Crystal , QED , Superconductor
Alternative Title
This thesis will cover the thermal and electromagnetic design and modeling of a cryogenic system to perform circuit QED measurements. The objective of our research is to grow doped cryogenic crystals and perform quantum measurements on atoms implanted inside the crystals. The crystals are typically made from rare gases or light molecules and will be grown on a superconducting planar waveguide resonator, which we will use to measure different properties of the crystals and the doped material within. However, to create these unique types of crystals and perform certain measurements requires careful engineering. Within this thesis we will describe our technique to create an isotopically pure crystal of para-hydrogen. Furthermore we will describe the additional modifications required to perform circuit QED mea- surements on the thermally-polarized atoms implanted inside the crystal. Finally we will model the electromagnetic fields for the shielding which is the final barrier for our crystals from the environment.