EverHot Smart Beearage Container by EverHot Industries of Sierra Nevada
Duong, Adeline
Fredericks, Russell
Sousa, John
Ma, Kurnhee
Roland, Jacob
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The EverHot beverage container is being developed in order to improve the maximum amount oftime that a hot beverage is within a desirable temperature range. Products exist that help to cool the beverage rapidly, and yet other products exist that are designed to keep a beverage hot, but no products exist that perform both these functions. The three objectives are: Use material science to cause a beverage added to the container to cool to a safe and pleasant temperature rapidly. Design the product to keep a beverage hot for an extended period of time. Design the product to allow for user control of the beverage temperature Furthermore, the container shall be reusable, and shall decrease the amount of waste products associated with hot beverage consumption that are added to landfills. To illustrate the merits of the design objectives, Figure 1. Figure 1: Common Temp Profile Several technologies are embedded into the design: Phase Change Material (PCM) insulation for heat regulation, an embedded temperature control system, and android cellphone software for advanced customization by the user. The ideal thermal performance is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: EverHot Concept (Ideal Performance)
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