Environmental geology of northern Carson City, Nevada
Rogers, David Keith
Issue Date
Geology , Carson City , Nevada , Aerial Photographs , Joint Spacing , Permeability , Rock Strength , Weathering , Excavation Ease , Erosion , Slope stability , Metamorphic , Plutonic , Volcanic , Alluvium , Seismic , Jointing , Faulting , Foliation , Lineation , Flooding , Landslides , Mackay Theses and Dissertations Grant Collection
Alternative Title
Detailed mapping on low sun-angle aerial photographs has separated actual outcrops from inferred and concealed features. In addition to recording the basic geology, physical properties such as joint spacing, permeability, relative rock strength, weathering degree, excavation ease, erodibility, slope stability, and possible use are mapped. The detailed mapping also detected active movement during Holocene time along 8 kilometers of the 150 kilometer long Carson lineament. This recent movement is featured by: (1) a 200 meter-wide, northeast-trending active fault zone near Indian Mountain, and (2) a 900 meter-wide, northeast-trending active fault zone along U. S. Highway 50. Besides active faults, other geologic hazards are: (1) high potential, in the near future, for strong earthquake ground motion, (2) liquefaction potential for water-saturated, loose, sandy alluvium near U. 3. Highways 395 and 50, (3) two potential landslide areas on Duck Hill, and (4) possible resource loss of sand and gravel northeast of the Carson airport.
Online access for this thesis was created in part with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). To obtain a high quality image or document please contact the DeLaMare Library at https://unr.libanswers.com/ or call: 775-784-6945.
University of Nevada, Reno
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