The Effects of Directed Patrols in Unincorporated Areas: A Case Study of the Data-Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety
Beck, John W.
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Data-Driven , Directed Patrol , Hot Spots , Intelligence-Led Policing , Traffic Enforcement
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Beginning in the early 1970's, the usefulness of the traditional model of random police patrols as a deterrent to crime began to become questioned by researchers who saw that the effectiveness of this type of policing was minimal and that other, more proactive forms of patrol could have a greater impact on crime. Over the past thirty years, the United States has seen an evolution of its crime fighting style, whether it has been called community-policing or intelligence-led policing, policing has become ever more rooted in a proactive policing style. The Data-Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) uses an approach that has elements of both the community and intelligence-led models of policing. DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to attempt to launch efficient and well-organized methods for deploying law enforcement resources. Using GIS technology to recognize areas that have high incidences of crime and crashes, DDACTS uses traffic enforcement strategies that attempt to accomplish the goals of fighting crime and reducing crashes and traffic violations. DDACTS is sponsored by a partnership of the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and two agencies of the Department of Justice; the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice. Seven test-sites were chosen as demonstration locations for deployment of DDACTS, including Washoe County, Nevada. This study is an analysis of the Washoe County initiation and deployment of the DDACTS program. Past studies of these types of enforcement methods have focused on urban environments and their effectiveness in these types of settings. Washoe County is different in that it is a mostly unincorporated, suburban setting. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of directed patrol in a non-urban, unincorporated setting.
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