Investigating the Feasibility of Using Physical Separations to Pre-concentrate Lithium Sedimentary Claystones
Urade, Sachin Bhayyaji
Issue Date
Froth Flotation , Lithium enrichment , Metallurgical , Mineral processing , Nevada Clays
Alternative Title
The presence of critical elements, including lithium, cobalt, nickel, rare earth elements and others, in phyllosilicate deposits highlights the significance of sedimentary claystones deposits as promising secondary resources. The societal transition towards green energy has led to a significant increase in demand for lithium, a key component in energy storage technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Producing lithium from claystone deposits possesses inherent challenges such as its low grade and the presence of carbonate making the hydrometallurgical process consume a large amount of acid. In this investigation, flotation, which is a mineral beneficiation technique, is systematically explored to enrich the lithium-bearing minerals from a Nevada sedimentary claystones deposit. Flotation of silicates and carbonates is conducted using amines and sodium oleate, respectively. Flotation with activation of lithium-bearing minerals using the multivalent cations has been performed to compare with those with sodium oleate and xanthate. Rougher flotation tests showed optimum lithium recovery of 0.21% Li and 3% Ca from a feed containing 0.12% Li and 10% Ca.