Problems in cyaniding a complex base ore with log of tests made, flow sheet, and equipment decided upon as the best adapted to treat the ore
Silva, Frank
Issue Date
Cyanide , Flow Sheet , Ore , Flotation , Equipment , Milling , Mining , South American Development Company , South America , Zaruma , Ecuador , Contabria Vein , Mackay Theses and Dissertations Grant Collection
Alternative Title
The South American Development Company has at their mines in Zaruma, Ecuador, a large body of low grade ore known as the Contabria Vein. This ore has continually been a source of trouble when treating it in the mill with their general run of quartzose ore. They also have a large slime pile of accumulated slimes which accumulated from treating Contabria ore by amalgamation in their old amalgamation plant. The ore was stamped, amalgamated and then classified. The slimes were collected in the slime pile and the sands leached in their leaching plant with cyanide solution. It was calculated that there are sufficient slimes to treat 50 tons per day for five years. The writer spent several months in South America and with the General Engineering Company, Salt lake City, Utah; making tests and working out a flow sheet with a view of treating this ore and the accumulated slimes, by means of an addition to their present mill. The following is a report of the work done.
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