Perceived Stress, Holistic Wellness, and Leadership Practices of K-12, Public School, Building Level Administrators as Influenced by Selected Variables
Coulter, Walter H.
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Holistic Wellness , Leadership Practices , Perceived Stress , School Administrators
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Increased job complexity, rising standards, and greater demands for accountability have led to increased numbers of administrative vacancies nationwide. Many principals are reporting that the expanded job responsibilities are simply not manageable. The business sector has addressed wellness in relationship to productivity; however, within public educational leadership the possible relationships among wellness, leadership, and stress are not being adequately studied. The purpose of this study was to determine if relationships exist among the perceived stress, holistic wellness, and leadership practices of K-12, public school, building-level administrators. The different demographic groups were compared with one another on the variables of perceived stress, holistic wellness, and leadership practices. This quantitative analysis indicated that significant positive correlations exist between the holistic wellness scores and leadership scores of K-12, public school, building-level administrators. Meanwhile, there are significant negative correlations between the perceived stress scores and the holistic wellness scores as well as with the leadership scores. The multiple regression analysis indicates that Coping Self, Social Self and Model the Way subscales are the significant predictors of the perceived stress scores of participants. Finally, the analyses of variance indicated that significant differences exist in group mean scores of holistic wellness, perceived stress, and leadership practices when respondents are grouped by the selected demographic variables (gender, administrative role, school level, school location, and school NCLB designation).
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