Basque Economy: From Industrialization to Globalization
Barrutia, Xabier
Borja, Anton
Etxebarria, Goio
Franco, Helena
Garcia-Saenz, BegoƱa
Uranga, Mikel G.
Jubeto, Yolanda
Garikoitz, Otazua
Velasco, Eva
Zurbano, Mikel
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Economic globalization is continually imposing changes on local economies, forcing them to adapt to new conditions of production and consumption. What are the main challenges that the Basque economy will have to face in this new century? How does the unfinished administrative configuration of the Spanish state and the decentralization process carried out in the French state affect the Basque country's economic relations and the structure of its ecomomy? To understand our present and future trends it is necessary to know our past. Basque Economy gives a panoramic view of the economy of the Basque Country over the last two centuries, focusing on the main sociopolitical and economic factors that have configured it up to the present. It includes a physical and institutional geography of the Basque economy that locates the economy itself within the broader context of Basque society.