The Development and Optimization of Raman Spectroscopy Analyses for Mobile Salinity Sensing
Nelson, Amanda K.
Issue Date
Deicing Salts , Gaussian Deconvolution , Raman Spectroscopy , Ratio of Areas
Alternative Title
To quantify the amount of deicing salt on the roadway in near-real time, this thesis proposes a mobile salinity sensor using Raman spectroscopy. This thesis investigates the viability of using Raman spectroscopy to determine the concentration of salt deicer in an aqueous solution in near-real time through a two part study. The first portion describes the use of Raman spectroscopy to determine the concentration of aqueous solutions consisting of the five most common salt deicers: sodium, calcium, and magnesium chloride, potassium acetate, and calcium magnesium acetate. The Raman spectra are analyzed using previously proven methods for determining chloride salt concentration that were optimized to work with both acetate and chloride salt solutions. These analyses output a benchmark plot for each salt solution over a range of concentrations and temperatures. The second portion of this study focuses on characterizing the effect that the testing surface substrate has on the concentration found from the Raman spectrum of the sample. This was completed by recording the Raman spectrum on a variety of surfaces with multiple surface treatments. The results were compared to the benchmark plots previously determined. Using the optimized analysis methods and the ideal surface found via this study, a mobile salinity sensor using Raman spectroscopy can be designed to work consistently and accurately in near-real time.
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