Tracking multistage deformation within an ultrahigh-pressure terrane: zircon and monazite microstructures and petrochronology from shear zones of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Dektar, Emily
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Deciphering different metamorphic and deformation events in polymetamorphic terranescan be complicated by changes in rheology and fluid/melt availability through time andby overprinting of the pressure-temperature�"time�"deformation (P-T-t-d) record byyounger orogenic events. The Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway, is an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane that was variably deformed during Proterozoic and (U)HPOrdovician�"Devonian Caledonian orogenies. There is debate as to the extent andintensity of deformation that occurred during the Caledonian, as the timing and style ofdeformation (i.e. focused in discrete shear zones versus distributed strain) varies acrossthe WGR. Here we present split-stream laser-ablation inductively coupled massspectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) geochronology and trace-element abundances, Ti-in-zirconthermometry, and EBSD data from zircons and monazites to investigate the timing ofUHP metamorphism, exhumation, and deformation during these events. Samples werecollected from eclogites, orthogneisses, and paragneisses within five tens-of-meters scaleshear zones exposed in southern and northern UHP domains of the WGR. Zircon coresreveal well-established protolith ages of ca. 1650 Ma, 1200 Ma, and 950 Ma. Wholecrystals or zircon rims yield ca. 420�"395 Ma dates inferred from their shallow HREEslopes and negative Eu anomalies to have grown at eclogite-facies conditions. Monazitestypically range in age from ca. 410�"360 Ma. Zircons and monazites indicate exhumationfrom mantle depths started at ca. 400 Ma. EBSD mapping shows that nearly all thecollected samples contain deformed zircons and, where present, deformed monazites.Zircons and monazites show evidence for crystal-plastic deformation resulting indistributed dislocations, subgrain boundaries, and high-angle boundaries. The majority of deformed zircon and monazite do not have observable element mobility; only four zircongrains show evidence for Pb loss and Ti gain. Slip systems operating in zircons arecommonly at higher angles to energetically favorably defined slip systems, such as<100>{001} and <001>{100}. Microstructures are found predominantly in Precambriangrains with and without Caledonian rims, and the microstructures crosscut the rims. Inaddition, shear zones from the southern UHP domain and from the highest-strain samplesfrom all shear zones commonly lack Caledonian ages. These results indicate that thecrystalline basement of the WGR was resistant to deformation in the Caledonian and thatthe shear zones likely developed during the Proterozoic. The combination of U-Pbgeochronology, trace-element analyses, and EBSD mapping of accessory phases providesinsight into multistage deformation within strongly deformed terranes through theassociation of ages, P�"T conditions, and deformation intensity. Shear zones that wereinitially assumed to have been active during the Caledonian orogeny were reinterpretedas having undergone shear during the older Proterozoic orogenic events by combiningpetrogeochronology and microstructural analysis of zircon with macroscale fieldobservations. The response of U-Th-Pb bearing zircons and monazites to deformationdoes not ubiquitously involve element mobility under conditions present in WGR shearzones, limiting their use as tools to directly date Caledonian deformation.