Solvent Extraction of Copper, Cobalt, and Nickel Material from the Missouri Cobalt Project in Fredricktown, Missouri
Link, Jessica
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Cobalt and nickel are important metals used in the production of rechargeable batteries. Demand for these metals, along with copper, are increasing due to the increased production of electric cars and other electronic devices. Cobalt has historically been mined in the Congo with very dangerous situations and sold on the black market. It has become increasingly apparent that a safer and more economical way to produce cobalt sulfate crystals in the US is needed. This study demonstrates that material from the Madison Mine, Missouri has the potential to be refined enough to produce battery grade cobalt and nickel sulfate crystals through the method of solvent extraction.The purpose of this bulk test was to determine initial pilot plant parameters for copper, cobalt, and nickel solvent extraction as well as proof that cobalt sulfate and nickel sulfate crystals can be produced as close to battery grade as possible. This test proves that copper extraction of 99.8% can be achieved in three stages of solvent extraction with LIX984 as the organic. An intermediate “pre-clean” stage of solvent extraction can remove many deleterious metals (any metals other than copper, cobalt, and nickel) at pH 5.2 prior to the cobalt solvent extraction using Cyanex272 as the organic. This test only had one stage of cobalt extraction which produced 71% extraction at pH 6 and one stage of nickel extraction which produced 70% extraction at pH 7.5. The cobalt extraction organic was Cyanex 272 and the nickel extraction organic used was Versatic Acid 10. More testing is needed to determine if one or two additional stages are needed for cobalt and nickel. Cobalt sulfate and nickel sulfate crystals were produced at near battery grade concentrations, providing reassurance that with more testing, battery grade crystals are achievable.