The Additive Effects of Varying Stimuli on Cooperative and Conformity Responding
Ghezzi, Elizabeth L.
Issue Date
Conformity , Cooperation , Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure , Motivative Augmentals
Alternative Title
The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) is an assessment procedure designed to target a history of verbally relating specific classes of stimuli (Dymond & Roche, 2013). Stimuli are regarded as implicit as they are measured with respect to faster response latencies and more accurate responses, or brief and immediate relational responding. This paper will address the predictive utility of a modified IRAP and the additive effects of verbal stimuli to increase cooperation and conformity in a simulated work task. Various classes of cooperative, and conformity, stimuli were assessed to determine if they had an augmenting function on cooperative and conformity responding, and if there can be a functional distinction drawn between the two classes of stimuli. The alignment between implicit responding, as demonstrated in the modified IRAP, and explicit responding, as demonstrated in the simulated work task, will be discussed.