Health Behaviors of Undergraduate Students Attending the University of Nevada, Reno
Christensen, Jenae
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Generalized research exists on the normative practices of undergraduate students, both nationally and of students attending the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), but missing from these data is a deeper analysis of specific practices in the areas of general health, mental health, sexual health, drug and alcohol use, and medical service utilization, and how they may relate to an individual’s demographic characteristics. Through the adaption of a unique and comprehensive survey tool, and disseminating it amongst undergraduate students on the UNR campus, analyses and comparisons can be made by examining priority health behaviors, perceptions of health, and utilization of healthcare facilities. The results of this study will enhance the understanding of the health practices of undergraduate students attending UNR, in addition to identifying significant trends, barriers to health, at-risk or underserved individuals, and potential gaps in health-related knowledge and use of services within the undergraduate population as a whole, and as they relate to specific demographic characteristics. The results may also hold significant implications regarding the influence and effectiveness of current campus-wide health initiatives and university funded health services in promoting healthy environments and encouraging healthy behaviors within the undergraduate population.