Collection Development Policies at R1 Research University Libraries
Tokarz, Rayla E.
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This thesis analyzes the policy structure and feminist theory concepts ofcollection development policies (CDPs) at R1 research universities using content analysis. Of the 146 R1 research universities in the 2021 R1 classification cycle, just under 60% had accessible CDPs. Most of the policies were titled “Collection Development Policy.” Over half of the CDPs had a section for material formats and gifts/donations. Language on intellectual freedom and challenging or securing power were found in the policies. Gendered language such as the binary pronouns “he/she” and “care” was also found in the policies. Academic libraries without a CDP should create one for their library collections. It should be carefully created using inclusive language and be developed for the faculty and students at the university. Academic libraries should have goals to make their library collections equitable, just, and contextual and should identify actionable plans in their CDPs to reach these efforts.