Implementation of a Pavement Management System for Local Counties
Sibaja Vargas, Luis Mariano
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Throughout the course of time and due to budget constrains agencies have changed their emphasis from construction of new roads to maintenance and rehabilitation of existing pavement structures. To achieve so, proper evaluation of the pavement’s condition has been the principal source of information for effective road network management of state, city, and local transportation agencies. The necessity of obtaining the most benefit from limited funding led to the desire of Carson City and Douglas County’s Public Works offices to implement a Pavement Management System for their networks. To achieve so, the Paver Software was selected as the common data management tool. Thorough data analysis of the pavement condition and work history data is necessary to obtain accurate performance prediction models. Lack of data was compensated with sewer line construction data and engineering judgement along with a three tier cleaning process.The current budget of both agencies was shown to be significantly lower than the necessary budget to maintain or improve the overall pavement network condition to an acceptable level. The reports generated serve the agencies to prioritize their spending through cost effective treatments, defend themselves against public criticism, and for requesting additional funding. Based on the findings from this study, it was recommended for local agencies to develop pavement management systems to apply the most cost effective treatments and obtain the most out of their limited budgets. A plan was provided on how to maintain and update the developed pavement management system.
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