The Possible Effect of the Combination of Family Systems Point of View with Either Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Korinek, Zachary
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Trauma, and more specifically Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is the after effect of experiencing something that is too overwhelming for the mind to simply move past. Several methods have been developed to help treat PTSD. Common methods are Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Both of these methods focus on the individual, as the individual is the one with the trauma. Less commonly used are group based therapies that focus not only on the individual, but on the effect of the trauma on those around individuals with PTSD as well as the effect of other people on the individual’s in regards to trauma. One of these methods is referred to as Family Systems Therapy (FST). In this literature review the efficacy of all three (EMDR, CBT, and FST) methods will be reviewed. Furthermore after reviewing the similar level of efficacy for all three methods the review will put forth that the treatment methods can be used in conjunction. While CBT and EMDR have been used together, there is little research on the use of group-based therapy and individual-based therapy