Mine Ventilation And User's Interface With MULTIFLUX Software
Gunda, Rajeev
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Mine Ventilation , MULTIFLUX , User interface
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MULTIFLUX is an underground ventilation simulation software developed at the University of Nevada, Reno by Professor George Danko. The objectives of the current work are to test the software and to develop a graphical user interface that enables the user to draw any ventilation network, input the associated data, and see the simulation results after processing the data and executing MULTIFLUX. As a first step, a manual user interface is developed in MATLAB software with which the user can work on small sized ventilation networks. For the development of the graphical user interface, commercial software such as VnetPC, Ventsim, CLIMSIM, ICAMPS and VUMA are studied in detail and a basic layout of the user interface for MULTIFLUX software is designed. As the second step, a template-based user interface for MULTIFLUX is developed. Various graphical templates and data tables are designed for the input of data by the user for various types of branches. The Google SketchUp software is used as the 3-dimensional graphical platform for the MULTIFLUX's user interface. Mine ventilation problems are solved to test the graphical user interface. Time dimension is added to the data input, which facilitates the user to study the dynamic behavior of heat sources and sinks, and their effect on the mine airways regarding time. As a final step to improve the user's interaction with the software, a scenario based concept is developed, with the help of which, one can analyze the mine behavior in various scenarios such as blasting, mine fire, etc. Barrick's Meikle mine is taken as an example to demonstrate the pre-processing, data input, processing tasks, and the display of results in the MULTIFLUX software.
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