The Compact Pulsed Power Generator Sparky II and Two X-ray Spectroscopic Devices for Diagnosing Laboratory Plasmas
Cooper, Matthew C.
Issue Date
High Energy Density Physics , laser plasma , Plasma , z-pinch
Alternative Title
The compact x-ray/EUV facility at the UNR Physics Department’s Plasma Physics and Diagnostics Laboratory (PPDL) was improved to obtain high density and temperature plasmas with z-pinch plasma experiments and has been named Sparky II. The facility’s energy storage capacity was doubled, electrical network remodeled, and its safety and control systems were reengineered. Vacuum spark experiments were performed and the improvements in the discharge capabilities will be shown. A gas-puff z-pinch system was developed for the Sparky II facility and results of characterization of the gas-jet will be discussed. Two new instruments were developed to measure parameters of plasma sources created with UNR’s Sparky II Facility, Leopard laser, and Zebra generator as well as plasma sources created at other non-UNR z-pinch and laser plasma facilities. The first instrument is a horizontal focusing Johann type spectrometer designed to record spectra with high spectral resolution. The design of the spectrometer and spectra from plasmas formed in jets of noble gases created with both the UNR Leopard Laser and LLNL’s Titan laser will be shown. The second instrument is a spectropolarimeter that was developed to record polarization sensitive plasma measurements. The device will record two sets of spectra with orthogonal sensitivities to polarization and 1D resolution in orthogonal directions. More future applications of these devices will be discussed.
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