Determination of plasma pinch time and effective current radius of double planar wire array implosions from current measurements on a 1-MA linear transformer driver
Steiner, Adam M.
Yager-Elorriaga, David A.
Patel, Sonal G.
Jordan, Nicholas M.
Gilgenbach, Ronald M.
Safronova, Alla S.
Kantsyrev, Victor L.
Shlyaptseva, Veronica V.
Shrestha, Ishor
Schmidt-Petersen, Maximillian T.
Issue Date
radiation , single , unr , zebra generator
Alternative Title
Implosions of planar wire arrays were performed on the Michigan Accelerator for Inductive Z-pinch Experiments, a linear transformer driver (LTD) at the University of Michigan. These experiments were characterized by lower than expected peak currents and significantly longer rise-times compared to studies performed on higher impedance machines. A circuit analysis showed that the load inductance has a significant impact on the current output due to the comparatively low impedance of the driver
the long risetimes were also attributed to high variability in LTD switch closing times. A circuit model accounting for these effects was employed to measure changes in load inductance as a function of time to determine plasma pinch timing and calculate a minimum effective current-carrying radius. These calculations showed good agreement with available shadowgraphy and x-ray diode measurements. Published by AIP Publishing.
the long risetimes were also attributed to high variability in LTD switch closing times. A circuit model accounting for these effects was employed to measure changes in load inductance as a function of time to determine plasma pinch timing and calculate a minimum effective current-carrying radius. These calculations showed good agreement with available shadowgraphy and x-ray diode measurements. Published by AIP Publishing.
Steiner, A. M., Yager-Elorriaga, D. A., Patel, S. G., Jordan, N. M., Gilgenbach, R. M., Safronova, A. S., … Schmidt-Petersen, M. T. (2016). Determination of plasma pinch time and effective current radius of double planar wire array implosions from current measurements on a 1-MA linear transformer driver. Physics of Plasmas, 23(10), 101206. doi:10.1063/1.4965241
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