Effectiveness of the Blended/Tiered Vocabulary Approach in English Only Compared to English with Spanish Supports
Conklin, Kelsey
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The Blended/Tiered approach to vocabulary instruction is a mix of previously successful teaching methods used in classrooms, including tiered vocabulary and inquiry instruction. This approach has been shown to be effective in teaching academic vocabulary, even with English Language Learners; however, the approach has only once been used with instruction in multiple languages. This study aims to find out if there was a difference in material learned and retained by English Language Learners and native English speakers when Spanish was used with the Blended/Tiered approach to vocabulary instruction. Two-third grade classes were exposed to six inquiry-based lessons involving the Blended/Tiered approach to vocabulary instruction. Spanish supports were used in the lessons in one class, while the lessons implemented in the other class were strictly English. Students took one test three times, as a pretest, posttest, and post-posttest, in order to measure learning and retention over time. The results supported the use of the Blended/Tiered approach in the classroom and suggested that Spanish supports may provide an added benefit related to retention of learned material as well as amount of time material is retained.
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