Build It and They Will Come? The Influence of a New Bus Rapid Transit Project on the Business Landscape in Reno, Nevada
Nielsen, Eric James Aschjem
Issue Date
Bus Rapid Transit , Economic development , Gentrification , Transportation
Alternative Title
This thesis focuses on the influence of a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in Reno, Nevada on the business landscape of the 4th Street/Prater Way corridor. One of the expected benefits of implementing a BRT service is that it can serve as a a catalyst for economic development, enticing businesses to move into areas that are near bus stops to take advantage of the new service. Between 2012 and 2019, Reno, Nevada experienced an economic boom with many companies moving branches and headquarters into the Reno-Sparks metro area, and in recent years, high-tech companies, moved to the area, but to the extent they did near new BRT services is uncertain. This research will use business point data from 2012, before the BRT corridor was announced, and 2019, after the BRT line was completed, to understand the nature and spatial distribution of establishments along the Lincoln line area. This study evaluates the nature of establishments that have located themselves adjacent to BRT stops, and through binary logistic regression modeling, analyzes differences in those that have done so, and those that located adjacent to the corridor, but not the stops. Different models are specified for establishments that arrived since 2012 and those that remained. Results show that high tech establishments are more likely to locate along the corridor, but not immediately close to BRT stops, while retail trade and accommodation type establishments are more likely to be located near BRT stops. This research helps to understand what types of businesses are attracted to new transit projects and where they are locating themselves relative to those new projects.