Assessing the Chronological Variation within Western Stemmed Tradition Projectile Points
Rosencrance Ii, Richard Lee
Issue Date
Bayesian , Intermountain West , Paleoindian , Projectile Points , Radiocarbon , Western Stemmed Tradition
Alternative Title
Western Stemmed Tradition (WST) projectile points exhibit considerable morphological variability, which may reflect differences in function, ethnolinguistic affiliation, resharpening/rejuvenation, or age. In this thesis I test the hypothesis that different WST points date to different intervals within the terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene (TP/EH). I compile and critically evaluate the existing WST radiocarbon record and obtain new dates from previously excavated WST sites. I then model the reliable radiocarbon dates in a Bayesian framework. My results show that different WST forms date to different intervals within the TP/EH. In general, the model suggests early continuity of WST projectile forms with increased diversification and/or local expressions of types with the onset of the early Holocene.